Hysterical Injury ‘Blood Burst’ | EP Review

Hysterical Injury 'Blood Burst' | Self-release | 20.03.15.


The bounds of what can be propelled through the the humble conduit of drums and fuzz-bass have been stretched once more, as sister-brother duo Hysterical Injury return with their four-track follow-up to 2012’s ‘Dead Wolf Situation’.

Using effects and double-tracking very much as ebbing and flowing stylisms, we find ourselves in an “I don’t always X, but when I do…” scenario that feels unwieldy and satisfying. A line is trod with skill between the dada-esque and the intense, with particular respect to Annie Gardiner’s transmuting vocal. There are times when you find yourself listening to the notes she’s not singing, not resolving to, as you would jazz or something much more orchestrated indeed. When the fangs do come out, such as in highlight ‘Woken With A Warning’, you’re a immediately transported to a stark and altogether darker place that encroaches on trad-doom or even sludge.

Although larger in sound than its predecessor in moments, the rift that exists between Hysterical Injury’s recorded and on-stage output is still apparent, making us wonder if it’s perhaps one big trick, designed to maximise the biblical face-slap that is their live sound.

The band launch the ‘Bloodburst’ EP at The Sportsman with Esper Scout and Iyabe in tow, 27th.

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