Deej Dhariwal - ‘Still Connecting’ | Album Review

deej mainStraight off the back of a massively successful Thought Forms release, ‘Still Connecting’ is the long awaited solo album by Deej Dhariwal.

Available on Lava Thief Records, this is the culmination of years of experimentation, and a lifetime collecting some rather interesting effects pedals, which when married with copious layers of vocal and synths results in a truly unique sonic palette.

Although laced with ethereal vocals, the largely instrumental tracks act as a gallery of different themes. ‘New Dawn’ is a vigorous noise-scape pained in it’s rawness while ‘Kaide’ is an unsettling ambient track more at home on a Silent Hill soundtrack.

There are certainly hints of Godspeed You! Black Emperor on this album, and at times verging on the films scores of Brain Eno, John Murphy or Jon Hopkins’ inspiring ‘Monsters’ soundtrack. For fans of drone and post-rock, this is a must have.

You can buy a limited edition physical copy of the LP on the Lava Thief store: