White Denim | Preview

White Denim @ Anson Rooms, Bristol. 20.05.14.

White Denim are a funny old band. Their five-album discography is a mish-mash of self-released, sometimes UK only, sometimes US only releases all studded with the occasional mp3 only release and a plethora of EP action thrown in for good measure.

The band’s 2005 conception came about in similarly patchwork-fashion. A conglomeration of two bands that started as a four (now a three), White Denim make Southern rock delivered with a wink. Typically for the band, this hasn’t always been the case. Five full-length LPs give White Denim a lot of material to work with. First release ‘Let’s Talk About It’ in 2007 is very much a garage rock record, and since then they have become famed for their unusual song structures and breadth of sound.

Most recent effort, album ‘Corsicana Lemonade’, is a Wilco-produced Southern rock and rolling stunner of a record. Rollicking rhythms and swift, sharp as you like riffs show that White Denim are masters of any sound they turn their hands to. Artists as talented as this always promise a fantastic live show, and ‘Corsicana Lemonade’ promises to make a particularly special live show.

Check out one of our old favourites ‘Street Joy’ right here:

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